Originated in ancient China, Acupuncture falls under the category of alternative medicine and research has been shown the efficacy in the relief of various types of conditions. Thin and solid needles are being inserted into acupuncture points in the skin.
According to Traditional Chinese medicine imbalances in the flow of qi through channels known as meridians can arise and when stimulating these points the flow of qui will be sustained and with it well being promoted.
Some more examples of conditions where this treatment option might be of help:
– Headaches
– Migraines
– Low-Back Pain
– Fibromyalgia
– Irritable Bowel Syndrome
– Sleep Disorders
– Neck Pain
and many more…
Experienced Acupuncturists know exactly where to place needles on the body’s energy pathways to alleviate the above conditions but can also be used for undermine food cravings and other cravings which are not desired. Talk to your Acupuncturist to find out how she or he can help you.
Previous Deals by:
The Center for Medical Healing
Midtown South Central
161 Madison Ave., Suite 11E
New York, New York 10016
(201) 991-0330
Healing Station
291 Broadway, Suite 304
Manhattan, New York 10007
Yejee Wellness Clinic
Garment District
248 W 35th St., Ground floor
New York, New York 10001
Eastgate Acupuncture
1841 Broadway, Suite 907
NYC, NY 10023
Seitai Community Acupuncture Center
24 Maiden Ln. 3rd Floor
New York City, NY 1003