VASER is the trade name for an ultrasound-assisted liposuction system that uses sound waves to selectively emulsify (liquefy) fatty tissue prior to extraction from the body.
VASER® Lipo is by some explained like a next generation of liposuction. “It uses a combination of ultrasound, which warms up the tissue, and vacuum-assisted lymphatic massage to promote metabolism and drainage of toxins and fats,” explains Dr. Chwalek. Basically, it sucks out fat and tightens your skin at the same time, and it’s much more gentle than traditional liposuction.
This procedure is advertised as minimally invasive body contouring procedure that precisely and efficiently removes unwanted body fat. However, one be cautioned: this is surgery so please always ask your physician for possible risks and side effects beforehand!
What distinguishes the VASER Lipo procedure is its ability to differentiate targeted fat from other important tissues – such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. Innovative VASER® technology breaks up fat while conserving these other important tissues.
Only the VASER Lipo procedure uses the proprietary VASER System to first liquefy fat and then remove it from the body to promote smooth results and rapid healing with minimal pain and discomfort.
The VASER Lipo Fat Reduction treatment is typically used on a body area such as the abdomen, arms, jawline, or neck. A board-certified physician should do an initial consultation before this procedure is performed. Tiny incisions into the skin are being made, so that the VASER Lipo probe can be inserted administering a saline solution to numb the treatment area and to minimize blood loss and bruising. This small probe then emits ultrasonic energy, which liquefies fat, which is then gently suctioned out of the body.
VASER Lipo is not the same as VASER Shape although they are sometimes used in combination.
VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.
This is the company’s official website.
Interesting response by physicians on the website of American Society of Plastic Surgeons to the following question:
What is the difference between Liposuction and Vaser Liposuction